Do you know that when you purchase a domain name from any registrar like NameCheap, GoDaddy, or any web-hosting companies, your important privacy information like
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Email address
is publicly available.
Anyone can use an online service like to find the owner details of any domain.
Believe it or not, this kind of details put your privacy at risk.
The majority of domain service providers uses the contact detail that we use while registering an account with them, a lot of domain owners are not even aware that their details are publicly available.
This is where a feature called WhoisGuard Privacy Protection a.k.s guard come into the picture. This service protects the vital information about the domain owner and prevent any kind of possible abuse of your information.
Here is the detail of ShoutMeloud and you can see no private information is shared:
As with EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) it’s become compulsory for every online service based out of Europe or serving users in Europe to protect their private information, guard industry is one of the first few to take the hit.
NameCheap free domain privacy feature:
NameCheap which is one of the top choices for buying domain names has made the guard services completely free forever. (For eligible TLDs)
Many popular domain providers like Google’s domain name registry has already started showing limited record.
However, some of the big providers like GoDaddy and a few others are yet to make this service free. Currently, GoDaddy is offering guard for $7.99. One of the biggest domain reseller company “Resellerclub” is also offering guard service for free.
If you are one of those domain owners who need privacy guard, it’s better to check how much domain information your domain registrar is sharing. And if you are paying for your domain guard, well then you should better move your domain to Namecheap.
Here are a few highlights of Namecheap free guard:
- Free guard is available for all existing domain owners who have purchased the domain name from Namecheap.
- You can move your existing domain names from other registrars to Namecheap and take advantage of free privacy protection feature.
- If you are registering a new domain name, you can use Namecheap and avail the free guard service.
Here is a chart that compares top domain providers and their guard offering:
It’s a matter of time that all other domain registrars should be offering this service as complementary like Namecheap did. However, since a lot of users who are not aware of the impact of GDPR on their domain privacy record and they might continue paying for guard will be at the loss.
For you, now you know where you can get free guard so take advantage of it.
Visit NameCheap
Do grab the latest Namecheap discount coupons from here to save extra money when you transfer a domain to Namecheap or buy a new domain name.
Do subscribe to ShoutMeLoud for more similar useful information for bloggers and webmasters. Do not forget to share this important info with other friends of yours who owns a domain name.