Paid marketing is the easiest way to drive targeted traffic to your website. At times it becomes necessary to engage into paid advertisement if you need some serious audience for your content. After all you put hours of hard work and sweat in creating the valuable content. If that is not served to your audience then whats the use of all the efforts?
Social media comes in handy when you want some good traffic. You can opt for paid marketing on almost every social media channel. Depending upon the nature of the social media platform you will get various types of responses to your content. Amidst all social media channels Facebook is the easiest and most popular channel that offers you cheapest marketing options for your content. It also gives you much flexibility in deciding the demographics and types of users based upon age, gender and interests. The reporting that Facebook provides is robust and detailed enough to give you deep insights about your campaign.
However your efforts in making likeable post in Facebook can be futile if you do not follow the simple tips while crafting your campaign.
#1 Keep Watch on the Time of Posting to Facebook
Yes, timing matters. Posting your content at correct time or starting the paid campaign at the time when most of your users are online is very critical to the success of the campaign. Simple formula is to make use of historical data and premium tools to understand the demographics and behaviour of your audience, the time of the day when most of the users are online.
#2 Use Appropriate Graphics in Your Post
By saying appropriate graphics I mean that the image should be very much in line with the topic and context of your content. Preferably use human faces looking straight at the user. Use of female models is good as they tend to attract more attention. The image should not be too cluttered as well.

If you plan to put your post on paid marketing then your image should not contain more than 20% text otherwise Facebook will not approve it for paid marketing. Facebook has provided a Text Overlay tool to check the text to graphic ratio in your image. Make use of it before uploading your image to ensure it fits the standards and doesn’t get rejected.
Very useful tips. I will implement these in my next facebook campaign. Especially the info about text overlay tool is very useful. Thanks for sharing.