We all know that simply creating a blog is not enough. One needs to market and promote it effectively to yield good results. Although creating a blog can be easy, getting attention online, establishing your authority and getting found in the search engines can be a difficult task.

That is where Email Marketing comes in. It helps you connect with your audience on a more personal level. It builds trust with your audience and serves as a platform to make relevant offers to your audience. Email Marketing is the best way to serve your audience and to get closer to your content marketing goals.

But the big question is how. How do you promote a blog through emails? We at ShoutMeLoud will help you get answers to all your queries.

That is why, in Saturday’s #ShoutersChat, the topic of discussion was Email Marketing for your blog.

In the Shouter’s Chat we discussed everything from the benefits of capturing email subscribers on your blog to the number of emails a blogger should send. We also talked about how emails help you increase your sales and revenue and the ways to grow your email list.

Here is a recap of each question and the top answers by Shouters.

Q1. What are some benefits of capturing email subscribers on your blog?

From the Shouter’s community:

View more answers to Q1 here.

Q2. How often do you email your subscribers?

From the Shouter’s community:

View more answers to Q2 here.

Q3. How do you add value to your email newsletters?

From the Shouter’s community:

Q4. How do emails help in sales and overall revenue of a blog?

From the Shouter’s community:

View more answers to Q4 here.

Q5. How do you plan to grow your email list?

From the Shouter’s community:

View more answers to Q5 here.

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